various 不同的;各种各样的;许多的;varityper 有多种可变字体的打字机;
In these years over a million university graduates have taken up posts in vari - ous fields.
互联网The properties of the composite made by VARI corresponded to that made by mould pressing.
互联网A new process quality analysis method based on multi - vari analysis is presented.
互联网Dense concrete is one of upper flow regime , which is widely used in vari fields.
自密实混凝土是一种高流态混凝土, 它在许多工程中都得到广泛的应用.
互联网Vari - resisting and do not become deformed. with automatic feeder, the accuracy is high.
变频调速,不锈钢辊经淬硬时效,不磨损,不变形,飞达送纸, 精确度高.
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