空虚( vanity的名词复数 );自负;自负的行为;(尤指与其他重大事物相比)渺小;
In spite of her small vanities , Margaret had a sweet and pious nature.
玛格丽特尽管有些小小的虚荣心, 天性却很温柔纯洁.
——辞典例句I had forsaken the vanities of the world.
辞典例句Are there any among the vanities of the Gentiles that can cause rain?
外邦人虚无的神中有能降雨的 吗 .
互联网Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher , vanity of vanities ; all is vanity.
传道者说, 虚空的虚空, 虚空 的虚空.凡事都是虚空.
期刊摘选One thing rather quenched the vanities: she had to wear her cousin's clothes.
有件事不免有点挫伤她的虚荣心: 她不得不穿她表姐的衣服.
辞典例句What dark , cruel comments upon life and vanities.
对于人生, 对于我们所追求的虚荣,真是辛辣的讽刺.
互联网Vanity of vanities, says the Teacher, vanity of vanities! All is vanity.
传道者说:虚空的虚空, 虚空的虚空, 凡事都是虚空.
互联网" Vanity of vanities,'says the Preacher, " all is vanity ! "
传12:8传道者说 、 虚空 的虚空 、 凡事都是 虚空 .
互联网Vanity of vanities; all is vanity.
空幻的空幻; 一切皆空.
辞典例句Her small vanities and selfishness were growing nicely.
辞典例句Did we ever have vanities, fantasies, or fight hard for some narrow goals?
我们曾虚荣过, 幻想过, 为狭隘的目标分斗过?
互联网They that observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy.
互联网Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher; all is vanity.
传道者说,虚空的虚空, 凡事都是虚空.
互联网I have hated them that regard lying vanities: but I trust in the LORD.
我恨恶那信奉 虚无 之神的人.我却倚靠耶和华.
互联网He presents us with more a celebration of the vanities than a bonfire.
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