His actions since that morning have been eccentric and unpredictable.
——《简明英汉词典》He makes unpredictable, arbitrary decisions.
他做的决定难以预料, 主观武断.
——《简明英汉词典》I find it difficult to rub along with Paul , he is so unpredictable.
我觉得和保罗很不好相处, 他这个人深不可测.
——《简明英汉词典》It remains an unpredictable and risky place to put your money, albeit one with huge potential.
——期刊摘选There were so many unpredictable fluctuations on the Stock Exchange.
——《现代汉英综合大词典》Predictions about food prices are subject to change because commodity prices are unpredictable.
——期刊摘选In dealing with that unpredictable man, you simply cannot follow a prearranged plan, you have to play it by ear.
和那个捉摸不定的人打交道, 你简直无法按预定计划行事, 只好随机应变.
——《简明英汉词典》The result is entirely unpredictable.
——《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》But, of the vertebrates, unpredictable Nature selected only snakes ( and one lizard ).
但是, 在脊椎动物中, 神秘莫测的大自然只选择了蛇 ( 和一种蜥蜴 ).
《用法词典》He wouldn't have an inexperienced rider mount a nervous or unpredictable horse, for example.
他不会让一个缺乏经验的人骑上紧张或不可预知的马匹, 比如.
期刊摘选I overheard someone the other day saying that I was moody and unpredictable.
期刊摘选Warning: Do not reboot your machine. Rebooting your machine now could have unpredictable results.
警告: 请勿重启动计算机. 现在重启动可能导致不可预测的结果.
期刊摘选He is utterly unpredictable.
柯林斯例句Sir John Senter was a very unpredictable man.
辞典例句Predicting the fate of religions is unwise, for they can burn or gutter in unpredictable ways.
预测宗教的命运是不明智的, 因为它们可能以无法预见的方式兴衰生息.
期刊摘选The world are unpredictable, so you are better off learning subjects of permanent value.
世界变化很快, 你最好选学那些坚实恒久的学科,少赶时髦.
期刊摘选unpredictable weather
朗文当代高级英语词典 第6版...Britain's notoriously unpredictable weather.
柯林斯高阶英语词典One is the value of the unpredictable dynamic benefits of more open markets.
期刊摘选Who would have thought are unpredictable, they are also very pick.
谁知世事难料, 她们也都很挑.
期刊摘选But while the protesters'numbers have fallen, they have remained an unpredictable force.
尽管抗议人数有所减少, 但这仍是支不可忽视的力量.
期刊摘选Unpredictable, unpleasant and just plain hard work – that's what farming crops was like 12,000 years ago.
指望天意 、 令人不快、枯燥劳累的工作——那就是12,000年前种庄稼这档子事儿的情形.
期刊摘选And its affection, love, is a kind of abstract, it is unpredictable to catch.
它和亲情 、 爱情一样, 是一种抽象的 、 令人捉摸不透的东西.
期刊摘选[不可数名词]the unpredictability of the English weather
牛津词典It is just that it is highly unpredictable.
时文部分Life is unpredictable and thus it is interesting.
期刊摘选the unpredictable nature of language
朗文当代高级英语词典 第6版The world in the 21 st century continues to witness complex and unpredictable changes.
期刊摘选A lot of it depends on human behavior, which is unpredictable.
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