A balance is achieved in the painting between orderliness and unpredictability.
柯林斯例句An improved jumper and more unpredictability attacking the basket will help.
——期刊摘选We forget about unpredictability when it is our turn to predict, and overestimate our own knowledge.
当我们做出预测时,总会忘记不可预测性, 高估自己的知识能力.
期刊摘选But sexual attraction is based on spontaneity, unpredictability and, to Obama point, a little mystery.
但是性的吸引力却是自发的 、 不可预见的, 对于奥巴马来说, 也有些许的神秘.
期刊摘选In other words, the distribution of unpredictability is not uniform throughout systems.
换句话说, 不可预测性在整个系统中的分布并不是统一的.
互联网But the only thing predictable about life is its unpredictability.
互联网The only thing predictable about life is its unpredictability!
互联网THE HOSTESS: It'strikes me that the route of a cult film is often its unpredictability.
主持人: 邪典电影给我留下的深刻印象是其故事情节总是非常出人意料.
互联网Litigation is less suited to fixed fees, however, becauseof its unpredictability.
然而需要争讼的案件,由于其不可预测性, 则不太适合固定收费.
互联网Law 12 Keep others in suspended terror: Cultivate an air of unpredictability.
规则12》让他们停留在恐惧中: 营造一种不可预测的气氛.
互联网Choosing a younger successor would carry a higher degree of uncertainly of unpredictability.
辞典例句As its unpredictability, multiple ovulation and embryo transfer ( MOET ) have not used widely.
由于结果具有不可预见性,超数排卵和胚胎移植 ( MOET ) 使用的并不十分广泛.
互联网The clone would go through childhood and adolescence with the same life - shaping unpredictability as any kid.
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