宇宙( universe的名词复数 );天地万物;星系;某种经验体系;
VOICE: " Multiverse " is an abbreviation for " multiple universes. "
“多元宇宙 ” 就是宇宙有很多重的缩写.
——期刊摘选Can spinning black holes be used for travel to other universes?
旋转黑洞能用来通往其他宇宙 吗 ?
互联网The Fifth Canto of the Srimad Bhagavatam tells of innumerable universes.
互联网But they also occupy different universes.
互联网Universes might expand, then shrink back to a point, then expand again.
宇宙可能会膨胀, 然后再收缩至某一点, 然后再度膨胀.
互联网With Spurs and Chelsea, the unbeaten record brought our very different universes together for a while.
关于切尔西和热刺的比赛, 这个纪录的确一直给了我们的比赛一种不同以往的气氛.
互联网A friend has sent me pictures of the earth, our universe and many other universes.
一位友人寄来一些关于地球 、 宇宙和外太空的图片.
互联网Are there other universes outside our own?
在我们的银河系之外还有别的星系吗 ?
《简明英汉词典》Reality is made out of many parallel universes billions and billions of parallel universes.
互联网What operational meaning can one give to the existence of all those other universes?
有人能给出其余所有宇宙存在的实际意义 吗 ?
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