Producers have, therefore, preferred term sales contracts to underpin upfront investment.
因此, 生产商青睐长期销售合约,以保证前期投资.
期刊摘选There are, however, two secular trends that underpin the growth in the industry.
然而, 有两项长期因素支撑着这行业的增长.
互联网But private buying is unpredictable and cannot underpin the market in the way dealer - buying used to.
互联网That reality must underpin our partnership.
互联网If the trend in rising employment continues, it could help underpin consumption levels.
如果就业率的上升趋势得以持续, 将有助于支撑消费水平.
互联网The present invention also provides the construction process of the active foundation underpin structure.
互联网That really must underpin our partnership.
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