Fixed the armor upgrade values for Human, Orc, and Undead shops.
人类 、 兽人以及亡灵商店的护甲增值问题得到了解决.
——期刊摘选Tip: Hammer Haunts are undead Hammerites whose burial site was desecrated.
提示: 游荡的圣锤教徒是安葬地点被亵渎了的不死生物.
——期刊摘选Psionic undead beings can still use mind - influencing powers on the living , however.
互联网Sepulchrals are sacred undead and wield magical obsidian glaives.
期刊摘选Tip: The blackjack doesn't work on some opponents, such as the undead.
提示: 木棒在一些对手身上不起作用, 例如不死生物.
互联网She stabs the undead and the teams get to fighting.
互联网Syris Thalla fell! Her gardens rot and sicken . Fear me , undead host.
赛利斯塔拉陷落了! 她的花园正在变质和腐烂. 准备接招吧, 亡灵战士们.
期刊摘选Muradin Bronzebeard: That's them! And re still under attack from the undead!
穆拉丁·铜须: 是他们! 他们还在被不死族攻击!
互联网Now, they plunder the ancient graves for reinforcements for their Undead armies.
现在, 他们大肆劫掠古代陵墓,以扩增其不死军队.
互联网The war against Isabel and the Undead reaches its final stage.
互联网In life, Winsela was a knight obsessed with destroying the undead.
互联网Fixed bonus to Undead damage modifier to work with ranged weapons.
互联网It doesn't matter how the Undead creature is Fearless.
互联网A Call of Duty developer sees life in the undead genre.
互联网Necromancers through the ages have labored ceaselessly to bring about undead perfection.
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