She became uncooperative: unwilling to do her homework or help with any household chores.
柯林斯例句It would not facilitate matters if you were uncooperative.
——《简明英汉词典》In the passive location system based on the FM broadcast, signals are uncooperative and non - stationary.
基于调频广播的无源定位系统中, 其信号是非合作的 非 平稳信号.
互联网This attitude, over the long haul , will develop very resentful and uncooperative family members.
这种态度, 日积月累, 在家人之间就会发展为抱怨和不和.
互联网They became bossy , uncooperative and hostile in their efforts to ward off depression.
为了避免陷入沮丧,他们变得盛气凌人 、 不肯合作、情绪敌对.
互联网Before you scold me for being uncooperative, ask yourself if something might be bothering me.
当你想责骂我不合作、固执或懒惰前, 请你想想,是否有什么困扰着我?
互联网The captain is not only insulting but uncooperative.
互联网It won't work with that uncooperative attitude.
互联网What is it about this outfit that is making everyone so uncooperative?
为什么这身打扮让每个人都那么不合作 呢 ?
电影对白Their uncooperative attitude caused the rent of the treaty.
互联网Before you scold me for being uncooperative, please ask yourself if something might be bothering me.
当你因为责骂我的不合作、固执或懒惰之前, 请你想想,是否有什麽正在困扰者我.
互联网That supervisor is so uncooperative, he gets right up my nose.
那位主管很不好相处, 他使我觉得讨厌.
互联网The mining unions are probably the most uncooperative of all.
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