The coated twisty blade patterns possesses higher bending strength and hardness than the uncoated ones.
——期刊摘选Consists of baled unprinted coated and uncoated shavings and sheets of all groundwood free printing paper.
互联网The applied coating is only around 8 um thick, ensuring dimensional interchangeability between coated and uncoated parts.
涂层的应用是只有约8um厚, 以确保维之间的互换性和未涂层部分.
互联网Method: Separation was carrie d out in an uncoated fused silica capillary ( 75 μ m ×50.0 cm )
方法: 熔融石英毛细管柱 ( 75μm×50.0cm,有效长度42.4cm ).
互联网Cover of papierhygiene: regular publication of top - grade general selection of uncoated paper, coated paper publication multipurpose.
封面用纸: 普通出版物一般选用胶版纸, 高档 出版物多用铜版纸.
互联网An automatic measuring system designed for evaluating the print quality of uncoated ink - jet paper is presented.
以此为依据设计出一套检测系统来评定普通 喷墨 打印纸的打印质量.
互联网Generally: the than uncoated paper coated paper making and card making colorful effect.
通常来讲: 铜版纸比胶版纸的制卡和会员卡制作效果色彩鲜亮的多.
互联网Coated and uncoated stocks together in one convenient guide.
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