Unified Modeling Language 统一建模语言;2。User-Mode Linux 用户模式Linux;
Also abstractly introduced is the relevant knowledge of UML and iterative development.
互联网CIM definitions are written in Universal Modeling Language ( UML ).
CIM的定义是用通用建模语言 ( UML ) 编写的.
互联网Excellent knowledge in J 2 EE, UML, XML, software quality control is a MUST.
过硬的J2EE, UML, XML知识, 要求掌握软件质量控制过程.
互联网Inconsistency in UML models can be hard to trace manually.
互联网The Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) is an industry standard in OOP.
UML( 统一建模语言 ) 是面向对象建模领域的工业标准.
互联网Using case is the basis of UML and an indispensable factor.
互联网Current researches mainly focus on the UML - based object oriented software testing.
互联网It is possible to move UML definitions with almost any protocol.
互联网This is a method that extends the basic vocabulary of UML.
互联网During implementing, a United Modeling Language ( UML ) was used and showed good results.
在实现过程中使用了统一 建模语言 UML为 系统建模, 该技术在系统的实现过程中起到了良好的作用.
互联网In which the pursuit of all the design - level UML class modeling refinement.
互联网This book is suitable for all readers interested in UML.
互联网UML ( Unified Modeling Language ) is an object - oriented modeling language.
统一建模语言UML ( UnifiedModelingLanguage ) 是 面向对象 的建模语言.
互联网Designing EJB component with UML model is an advanced method.
互联网This paper introduces the main content and applications ofthe unified modeling language ( UML ).
介绍了统一 建模语言 UML的主要内容和应用范围.
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