In ubuntu ( linux ) adopted under the compiler.
全部用数组实现.在ubuntu ( linux ) 下编译通过.
互联网Ubuntu has a very friendly user interface.
互联网He currently is Community Manager for Ubuntu, probably the largest community in the - source software area.
JonoBacon目前是Ubuntu社区 的社区经理人, 而Ubuntu社区大概称得上是最大的 开源 软件社区.
互联网Ubuntu Tweak . As the name states , it's designed to tweak Ubuntu - but it does more than this.
正如其名, 它就是用来调整Ubuntu的 —— 不过它可不只有这点能耐.
互联网Anyone out there successfully running Autoroute Express in Wine ( Ideally under Ubuntu Hardy )?
任何有成功运行高速公路快速葡萄酒 ( 下Ubuntu的理想哈 )?
互联网Installing software in Ubuntu is easy, and this guide will show you how to do it.
在Ubuntu系统中安装软件是简单的, 本向导将向你展示如何做.
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