This " troubleshooter " listened and let the cantankerous customer enjoy himself pouring out his tirade.
这位 [ 调解员 ] 去那里后,静静听着.尽量让这位好争论的老先生,发泄他满肚子的牢骚.
——期刊摘选The troubleshooter is unable to determine which device is causing hibernate or standby to fail.
期刊摘选To start the networking troubleshooter, click Start Troubleshooter.
要启动网络疑难解答, 请单击“启动疑难解答”.
互联网A troubleshooter help topic is available online regarding this issue.
互联网For information about correcting your network problem, click Troubleshooter. To try to connect again, click Back.
有关纠正网络问题的信息, 请单击“疑难解答”. 要再次尝试连接, 请单击“上一步”.
互联网Go back to the beginning of the troubleshooter.
互联网He went wandering as an international banker and economic troubleshooter.
互联网Crash Troubleshooter - steps you through what can cause a crash and tells how to fix it.
坠毁疑难问题 - 步骤,您通过什麽可以导致崩溃,并告诉如何解决此问题.
互联网The troubleshooter starts when you close this wizard.
互联网Click Launch Troubleshooter to get help with the network adapters that are not working.
互联网You can solve printer problems by using the Print Troubleshooter in Help.
互联网The troubleshooter is unable to determine which device is preventing your machine from resuming.
互联网Click Details, and then click troubleshooter for information about configuring your computer to play DVDs.
单击“详细信息”, 然后单击“疑难解答”查找有关如何配置可播放DVD的计算机的信息.
互联网B. Use the hardware troubleshooter to upgrade the video adapter drivers for the secondary video adapter.
硬件修理为中级的录像带适配器升级图像适配器驾驶者的B. 使用.
互联网Online troubleshooter feature , accessible from the Help menu.
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