变压器( transformer的名词复数 );促使变化的(或人物),改革者;
The magnetic cores of transformers and other apparatus are laminated.
辞典例句Supply transformers for underground coal mine well are earthed at neutral point.
互联网The series transformers have new form and all - sealed structure andhas lower loss.
互联网Several distributor transformers had fallen from the poles, and secondary wires and service drops were down.
几个配电变压器从电线杆上摔下来, 副线及吊饰也垂下来.
辞典例句Instead of focusing on humans, the Transformers will be taking the spotlight.
人类不再是重点, 变形金刚们取而代之,成为其中的亮点.
互联网The new Transformers Movie will definitely NOT be available on Blue - ray Disc.
互联网Cycloaliphatic epoxy for Outdoor application for Transformers, Bushings etc.
互联网At least 5 - years wroking experiences in sales of transformers or related products.
互联网Major producers of high frequency transformers, inductors, filters and other coil products.
主要生产高频变压器, 电感, 滤波器等线圈类产品.
互联网Also produce various kinds of high - low - frequency transformers, inductors and other electronic series.
同时也生产各类高低频变压器 、 电感等电子系列.
互联网They are also sometimes used with multiple tap transformers.
互联网Ratchet: New form; Emergency vehicle; Medical & Science officer; Repairs Transformers injured in battle.
救护车: 新形态; 抢险车; 医师 兼 科技官; 负责修理战斗中负伤的变形金刚.
互联网The magnetization characteristics of JCC 1 - 66 and JCC 5 - 66 type potentia l transformers are ana - lyzed.
比较分析了JCCl-66型和 JCC5 -66型电压互感器的励磁特性.
互联网The principle is exploited in devices from electric motors to power transformers.
互联网Particularly suitable for Power Transformers and Filters at low frequencies.
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