龙卷风,旋风( tornado的名词复数 );
Less typhoons landed, severe convective weather, su ch as hails and tornadoes decreased obviously.
互联网Tornadoes are vertical funnels of rapidly spinning air.
互联网Florida is struck by hurricanes and tornadoes.
互联网And there is concern it could spawn tornadoes and flooding.
期刊摘选Strong tornadoes in the attacks, the roof of the house, like hang gliding as fly.
在强烈龙卷风的袭击下, 房子屋顶会像滑翔翼般飞起来.
期刊摘选Waterspouts and hailstorms occur infrequently , while snow and tornadoes are rare.
水龙卷和冰雹偶有出现, 降雪和陆龙卷则属罕见.
互联网Softball - sized killer 3 ) hailstones often 4 ) accompany tornadoes.
互联网Due to their flimsy construction, mobile homes are particularly vulnerable to tornadoes.
因为移动式住房具有不结实的结构, 所以它们很容易在龙卷风中被毁灭.
互联网Meteorologists are at odds over the working of tornadoes.
互联网Tornadoes are violent whirlwinds which vary in their width from a few yards to 1300 feet.
互联网As for the younger ones , they don't care. They just want to catch tornadoes.
比较年轻的一辈则根本不在乎, 他们只想逮到龙卷风.
互联网Tornadoes can pick up objects, animals and even people sometimes.
龙卷风会卷走物品 、 动物,甚至于人类.
互联网If driving, track due north or south, as tornadoes usually move from west to east.
如果正在开车, 就往正北或正南方向走, 因为龙卷风通常由西向东移动.
互联网At sea, ships have been nearly sunk by tornadoes dropping water on them.
在海上, 被龙卷风卷得铺天盖地的水几乎使船只沉没.
互联网Forces other than damaging winds are also at work inside tornadoes.
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