Master is a toothless old man, grey hair lazily draping over his broad shoulders.
互联网Deflation are long bone, and a vicious inflation is a toothless tiger.
通缩是化骨龙, 恶性通胀则是无牙老虎.
——期刊摘选a toothless old man
《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》He was sixteen years old, toothless, blind and could hardly get around.
那狗已经有十六岁了 、 牙都没了 、 又瞎、行动也不方便.
互联网It was sixteen years old, toothless, blind and could hardly get around.
它已经十六岁了, 牙都没了, 又瞎,行动也不便.
互联网His face was alive with excitement, eyes wide , gums bared in a toothless grin.
他神色激动, 眼睛瞪得圆圆的,咧嘴而笑, 露出那还没长牙的牙龈.
互联网The surfaces lead plates were not hollowed out to cup toothless gums; they were flat.
铅制 牙托 的表面平坦,缺乏凹槽,无法覆盖牙床.
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