In these circumstances the operation fails due to the expired timeout and the transaction aborts appropriately.
互联网The script was aborted because execution exceeded the specified timeout period.
互联网DEADLOCK _ TIMEOUT 60 # Max time to wait of lock in distributed env.
互联网Internal timer of each process can have its own callback function timeout.
——期刊摘选You must enter an update timeout interval greater than or equal to 0.
期刊摘选The p _ timeout property is an integer timeout ( in seconds ) for monitored function execution.
p_timeout属性是被监控函数执行超时的整数 ( 秒 ).
期刊摘选Communication Streams : No message was received at given timeout.
互联网The Call establishment timeout should be in the range of 30000 milliseconds to 180000 milliseconds.
互联网We found that SCTP is vulnerable to spurious timeout resulting from the delay spike.
我们发现延迟刺会使SCTP发生 假超时,并使SCTP备用路径 上的拥塞窗口错误地增加.
期刊摘选A timeout occurred while communicating with the server . Changes to your data cannot be saved.
与服务器通信时发生超时. 无法保存对数据的更改.
期刊摘选I am currently in a timeout phase with my girlfriend.
期刊摘选But with timeout on this session, lawmakers are unlikely to adopt such legislation before next year.
但是随着国会秋季会议的结束, 议员们明年之前不太可能制定相关的法律.
期刊摘选The [ Start from Scanner ] setting has been canceled due to the scanner timeout.
由于扫描仪超时,“从 扫描仪 启动”设置被取消.
期刊摘选This inactivity timer fires if no application messages are received within the timeout period.
期刊摘选A timeout occurred while communicating with the server. Your list cannot be published.
与服务器通讯时发生超时. 无法发布您的列表.
期刊摘选To increase the menu timeout, change the default timeout 3 to something more appropriate.
为了增加菜单超时, 超时3更改默认的东西更合适.
期刊摘选Remote Assistance connection could not be established because of a network connection timeout. Please try again.
不能建立远程协助连接,因为网络连接超时. 请再试一次.
期刊摘选Enable timeout for user response ( unchecked means wait forever )
启用用户响应超时 ( 未选中则永远等待 )
期刊摘选The peer side will detect the broken connection with the timeout mechanism.
期刊摘选If the timeout triggers, the remote client is kicked off.
如果触发超时, 则远程客户端将被断开.
期刊摘选A timeout has occurred while waiting for other dynamic snapshot sessions to complete.
期刊摘选Request failed to complete before timeout.
期刊摘选Timeout reached. Data Collector may be misconfigured.
期刊摘选Testing failed, document not reached to destination within timeout period.
测试失败, 文档未在超时时间内到达目标.
期刊摘选Please provide a number between 1 and 32767 for connection timeout.
期刊摘选The timeout value is invalid.
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