Objective To assess effect of early local intraarterial thrombolysis ( ELIT ) for treatment of acute stroke.
目的 评价局部动脉内溶栓在急性缺血性脑中风治疗中的作用.
——期刊摘选Intra - arterial, Thrombolysis for Treatment of Peripheral Arterial Occlusion ( A Report of 10 Cases )
动脉内溶栓治疗外周动脉阻塞性病变 ( 附10例报告 )
互联网Thrombolysis therapy and percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty recover myocardial reperfusion efficiently.
——期刊摘选Is Intra - Arterial Thrombolysis the Treatment of First Choice for Basilar Thrombosis?
动脉内溶栓是基底动脉血栓形成的首选治疗方法 吗 ?
互联网Previous duodenal ulcer but quiescent for years - no contraindications to thrombolysis?
互联网Objective To explore thrombolysis action of low molecular weight heparin ( LMWH ).
目的探讨低分子肝素 ( LMWH ) 的溶栓作用.
互联网Low - frequency ultrasound - enhanced thrombolysis has provided a noninvasive, effective and safe approach for the treatment of stroke.
最近的研究认为,低频超声助溶为临床治疗卒中提供了一种无创、快速 、 安全、有效的方法和途径.
互联网Objective : To evaluate the application of local intravascular thrombolysis and PTA acute middle cerebral artery occlusion.
文摘:目的: 评价局部动脉内溶栓和经皮腔内血管成形术(PTA)结合在治疗急性大脑中动脉闭塞中的应用.
互联网Conclusions: Intravenous urokinase thrombolysis could an effective and safe treatment for acute cerebral infarction.
结论: 尿激酶静脉溶栓治疗急性脑梗死有效且相对安全.
互联网Mean LVEF was similar in both groups with primary angioplasty and 46 % for those receiving thrombolysis.
互联网Results NDS reduced rapidly after thrombolysis, there was significant difference between two groups ( P < 0.001 ).
结果溶栓后NDS迅速减少, 两组比较差异有统计学意义 ( P<0.001 ).
互联网Results After thrombolysis treatment, recanalization patients were 29 recanalization 19.
互联网Methods 20 cases AMI were analysised with pre - hospital thrombolysis treatment.
互联网Research tendency of thrombolysis of acute ischemic cerebrovascular disease using traditional Chinese medicine and metabonomic study.
互联网Serum CRP at 7 d after RCSI was close to that before thrombolysis.
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