Thiophene, a highly common substance, serves as a versatile precursor to a variety of amino acids.
噻吩是一种很普通的物质, 它可以作为合成各种氨基酸的母体.
辞典例句Synthesis of 2 - bromothiophene using thiophene and bromine and glacial acetic acid as solvent was studied.
以冰乙酸为溶剂,通过噻吩和溴反应制备了 2- 溴噻吩,并探讨了诸因素对产率的影响.
互联网Such is the case in pyrrole, thiophene, and furan.
吡咯, 噻酚和呋喃的情况就是这样.
辞典例句Thiophene polymers is one of the most intensively investigated functional polymers.
互联网When ferrocene and thiophene were used together, the product morphologies were related to the thiophene content.
而二茂铁和噻吩同时使用时, 产物的形貌随噻吩浓度的不同而变化.
互联网Objective To synthesize 2 - ( 4 - methoxypheny ) - 6 - methoxy - benzo [ b ] thiophene.
摘要目的合成目的产物 2- ( 4- 甲氧 基苯基 ) - 6- 甲氧基苯并噻吩.
互联网For Qinghai and Iran coals, the removed organic sulfur was in the form of thiophene.
互联网Firstly we studied the physical structures of a regioregular poly ( thiophene ) modified by alkyl groups.
互联网A method for analysis of thiophene - 2,5 - dicarboxylic acid by ion pair reversed - phase HPLC was described.
建立了测定噻吩 -2, 5- 二羧酸的离子对 反相 高效液相色谱法(HPLC).
互联网Thiophene reacted with bromine and zinc to produce 3 - bromothiophene via substitution and reduction reaction.
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