But I don't see texting harming teens'ability to communicate.
互联网They revert to what they feel comfortable with ~ texting is attractive and uncomplicated.
期刊摘选Using texting to boost efficiency is not rocket science, but big savings can be achieved.
利用编发短信来提高工作效率并不是多么高深的科学, 但是能节省大笔费用.
互联网Texting is cumbersome on a 12 - key handset, requiring multiple taps on keys to select some letters.
文本输入在只有12个按键的手机上是一件很麻烦的事情, 需要用户多次按键才能输入某些字母.
互联网Texting during a date is also strictly forbidden.
互联网Am I too complacent about all the texting?
互联网Stick to phone calls and texting and check everything else exclusively from a computer.
互联网In Australia, it's already illegal to use your phone while driving and texting at the wheel.
而在澳大利亚, 开车时打电话和发信息都是违法的.
互联网Group SMS: Texting the same set of people over and over again?
群发短信: 一次又一次的发送同样内容的短信给一群人?
互联网But while texting is rising fast, Britons are not considered the message kings of Europe.
虽然短信在英国快速普及, 但英国人却并非是欧洲短信之王.
互联网Please help us by turning off the texting feature on your child's phone during school hours.
互联网After all, we are all professional writers in this era of texting, blogging and tweeting.
毕竟,在这个短信 、 博客和微博客的时代, 我们都是专业写手.
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