Pauline Friedman took the name Abigail from the Christian Bible Old Testa - ment.
互联网Functional Natural Substances, Fenugreek Gum, Fenugreek Saponin, Fenugreek Testa, Botanical Extract.
采购产品功能性的天然物质, 香豆胶, 胡芦巴皂甙, 香豆种, 植物提取物.
——期刊摘选We want to buy Functional Natural Substances, Fenugreek Gum, Fenugreek Saponin, Fenugreek Testa, Botanical Extract.
我们要采购功能性的天然物质, 香豆胶, 胡芦巴皂甙, 香豆种, 植物提取物.
——期刊摘选Testa The hard dry protective covering of a seed, formed from the integuments of the ovule.
外种皮:覆盖在种子外部的坚硬干燥的保护层, 由胚珠的珠被发育形成.
——期刊摘选Testa of seed consists of four layers which becomes hard and woody after ripening.
期刊摘选Principali testa cushion auto , profumi, la sede, il pad in piedi il business wholesale.
主营汽车头枕抱枕,香水, 座垫, 脚垫的批发业务.
互联网Danglars thought dentro la testa meant , " Put in your head ! "
由此可见他的意大利语进步 神速.
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