Kendrick Perkins ( knee tendinitis ) returned to practice and is expected to play against the Thunder.
肯德里克帕金斯 ( 膝肌腱炎 ) 恢复了训练,预计将对阵雷霆.
互联网About 40 percent reported hand or arm symptoms, mostly from tendinitis.
约有百分之四十出现手或手臂的症状, 其中大部分来自肌腱炎.
互联网Since then , in an attempt to cure a persistent - tendinitis - problem, he has undergone surgery on both knees.
互联网At this point, he had tendinitis.
这个阶段, 他的肌腱有伤.
互联网Trezeguet's right leg was injured knee tendinitis.
互联网His sprained ankle has developed into a nasty case of tendinitis.
互联网In fact, throughout the summer, tendinitis injuries have been plaguing David Trezeguet.
其实整个夏季, 肌腱炎伤势就一直困扰着特雷泽盖.
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