Taxiway No.6 is closed. Use No.5 into runway 03, then backtrack to the end of the runway.
六号滑行道关闭.使用五号进入03号跑道, 然后反方向至跑道头.
——期刊摘选Slow down and backtrack on the runway, taxiway No 5 is blocked with aircraft.
减速,在跑道上180, 五号滑行道被飞机堵住了.
——期刊摘选The clover on the taxiway stands in dew and cold of the night.
——期刊摘选The old EW taxiway has been partially removed.
互联网Taxi straight ahead to the end of the taxiway ( runway ).
直线滑行至滑行道 ( 跑道 ) 尽头.
期刊摘选Taxi with caution, obstructions on both side of the taxiway.
注意滑行, 滑行道两边有障碍物.
互联网Taxiway No 2 is snowbound. Continue straight ahead.
雪封住了2号滑行道, 继续直线滑行.
互联网Caution, pools of water on the taxiway.
期刊摘选There is a ground of peoples on the taxiway about 300 m ahead of you.
期刊摘选Taxiway is quite narrow watch your speed.
期刊摘选The second intersection right ( left ) turn and join taxiway B 1 for Bay No 4.
在第二个交叉口右 ( 左 ) 转,加入滑行道B1到停机坪4号位置.
期刊摘选The taxiway ahead is blocked.
期刊摘选HDA 721, taxiway C and A to holding point runway 36, you are number one for departure.
(港龙721, 可以滑出,由滑行道C和A滑到36号跑道等待点, 你是第一个离场).
期刊摘选Caution walk men on the taxiway.
期刊摘选You can taxi back to the apron via taxiway No.5.
期刊摘选I am a long time in a fantasy island paradise built on a taxiway.
期刊摘选Hold on the taxiway ( taxi strip ), another aircraft on final.
在滑行道 ( 联络道 ) 等待, 另有飞机在五边上.
期刊摘选Caution truck is crossing the taxiway in front of you.
期刊摘选Cleared for 180 degrees, use taxiway No 3 leaving the runway.
允许作180, 使用三号滑行道脱离.
期刊摘选After landing expedite leaving the runway if possible via the high speed taxiway.
期刊摘选Never drive in a taxiway.
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