跳格设定,制表符;标签( tab的名词复数 );(易拉罐的)拉环;药片;拉襻;
Care must be exercised in attaching the lead wires to the soldering tabs.
辞典例句It was obvious Hill had come over to keep tabs on Johnson and make sure he didn't do anything drastic.
柯林斯例句Some programmers use tabs to break complex product capabilities into smaller chunks.
About Face 3交互设计精髓People tend to round numbers when estimating their use of tabs.
互联网In most cases, though, the use of tabs creates significant navigational excise.
不过, 在大多数情况下, 标签的使用也带来了相当大的导航附加工作.
互联网The process, as a natural outgrowth of the technology, was called tabbing or setting tabs.
这种过程随着技术的自然发展, 称为“制表”.
About Face 3交互设计精髓Mini - Mani - Includes 2 sets of nails , stone art press - on tabs.
包括2套指甲, 石头艺术.
互联网It also has some nice features like skins, resizing, and multiple tabs.
它也有一些漂亮的功能,比如,可更换皮肤, 改变大小, 多标签.
互联网White space characters include carriage returns, line feeds, spaces, and tabs.
空格字符包括回车 、 换行, 空格以及制表符.
互联网For more information, see Tabs, All Languages, Text Editor, Options Dialog Box.
有关更多信息, 请参见“选项”对话框->“文本编辑器”->“所有语言”->“制表符”.
期刊摘选Cannot create any tabs after this tab or position.
互联网You can drag any items added to current tab to other tabs.
互联网The following tabs of available component types and locations are available.
互联网Tabs can be dragged between windows using the Windows panel again.
互联网I sewed tabs with my name on in all my school uniform.
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