Synopsis In the Internet Age, reading and living environment at a disadvantage.
网络时代, 阅读的生存环境处于劣势中.
互联网Synopsis: At present, our country implements nine - year compulsory education.
内容提要: 目前, 我国实行九年义务教育.
互联网Synopsis Shou Heng is like a fixed star, always confident and attractive.
故事大纲守恒就像恒星一般, 永远自信,总吸引所有人的目光.
互联网Synopsis: Michael longs for Sara and freedom.
剧情提要: 迈克尔对萨拉和自由是望眼欲穿.
互联网An abbreviated list as of contents; a synopsis.
这是一些新书的内容 提要.
互联网Combined with Synopsis Golden Chamber, this ar ˉ ticle explores the application of this method by ZHANG Zhong - jing.
互联网Synopsis Application of neural network in EAF, blast - furnace, rolling and combustion is introduced.
简述了几种神经网络在电炉 、 高炉 、 轧钢和燃烧等冶金领域的应用.
互联网The synopsis of the book is very good.
辞典例句Synopsis - A general overview or summary of an article.
内容提要 -- 一篇综述或概况.
互联网Synopsis: The whole works is just like a visual game.
作品简介: 一场别开生面的视觉游戏.
互联网Synopsis theatre and TV drama are integrated arts.
互联网Students present a short synopsis of the following articles.
互联网Fanggang Weng who wrote the synopsis of Si Ku Quan Shu.
互联网Synopsis There are some factors that cause the formation hot strip side - camber in the rolling process.
互联网Synopsis : A calculating method of clay distribution in molding sands by computer is developed.
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