<生>(神经元的)突触( synapse的名词复数 );染色体结合( synapsis的名词复数 );联会;突触;(神经元的)触处;
Nerve cells communicate with one another at the synapses, where their membranes almost touch.
神经细胞在突触部位彼此沟通, 在这里它们的膜几乎接触到一起了.
辞典例句Objective To count the number of ribbon synapses in cochlear inner cell using three - dimensional reconstruction model.
互联网Glutamatergic synapses are common excitatory chemical connections in mammalian central nervous system.
——期刊摘选Malnourished children have smaller brains, fewer neurons and synapses, shorter dendrites and less myelin.
营养不良的儿童有规模较小的脑, 少的神经元和突触的, 短的树突少髓鞘.
互联网The website offers information about: astrocytes , axons, dendrites, hippocampus , organelles, synapses, 3 D reconstruction, tissue preparation.
中文简介: 神经突触网提供了脑解剖学和3D重建神经组织的免费软件.
互联网Electrical synapses and field effects may play essential roles in synchronizing neuronal activity within the nucleus.
互联网At these synapses , most of baseline synaptic transmission is mediated by glutamate AMPA receptors.
在正常条件下, 大多数的突触反应是由谷氨酸的AMPA受体传递的.
互联网As a result, both synapses were permanently strengthened.
结果显示, 这两个突触都永久性地加强了.
互联网In early tongue development, neurons enter the tongue epithelium and make synapses with taste bud cells.
在舌的发育早期, 神经元进入舌的上皮组织并且和味蕾细胞形成突触.
互联网And many of the nutrients associated with brain function known to affect transmission at the synapses.
互联网A knob like enlargement at the end of an axon, where It'synapses with other neurons.
'突'.''触小结''.'轴'.''''.'突'.''末端的球状神经原增大, 在此与其它神经元接触.
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