Will you draw on your secret principles of swordplay?
The amphitheater was a sealed off round structure . Swordplay, wresting, gladiatoral and other contests were held there.
该竞技场为四周封闭式结构,可以举行斗剑 、 格斗 、 斗兽及其他竞赛项目.
《简明英汉词典》He was more interested in the balletic choreography , which enhanced and revitalized the swordplay sequences.
他对芭蕾舞般的动作设计更感兴趣, 因为这可以加强击剑的效果.
互联网Sabreplay , swordplay , spear play and cudgel play all have their own set patterns.
刀术 、 剑术 、 枪术以及棍术各有自己的一套套路.
——期刊摘选No, really. Maybe we should all be practicing swordplay and crossbow technique, leaps and high jumps.
不, 说真的, 也许我们应该正在练习击剑、弩艺, 跳远、跳高.
——期刊摘选I met a desperado at swordplay class.
——辞典例句Molly: I met a desperado cowboy at swordplay class.
莫莉: 我在击剑课上认识了一个牛仔似的孤胆英雄.
——期刊摘选There are some practice shadowboxing and swordplay while others run, walk or dance with music.
有的打太极拳、练剑;有的跑步 、 散步或随着音乐跳舞.
期刊摘选Following Queen Catherine's example , Sorsha joined the ranks of the Erathian Military , quickly swordplay.
由于崇拜凯瑟琳王后, 索萨加入了埃拉西亚军队, 并很快确立了在军中的地位.
期刊摘选They said there's a samurai around here famous for his swordplay. Where's he?
盲剑客:听说这一带有一个人的刀很快, 不知道他在不在?
期刊摘选There are some shadowboxing and swordplay while others run, walk or dance with music.
有的跑步 、 散步或随着音乐跳舞.
期刊摘选So through teaching practice I come to master the three steps on Elementary Swordplay teaching.
期刊摘选Swordplay Alliance is a group of schools that teach various forms of sword fighting.
期刊摘选Shanghai Shili Swordplay Club is a school focus on promoting, popularizing, advocating the culture of swordplay.
上海实力击剑俱乐部是一所专门宣传 、 普及 、 推广击剑运动暨文化的学校.
期刊摘选Some practice shadowboxing and swordplay while others run, jog, walk or dance to music.
有的打太极拳,有的练习舞剑,有的跑步, 有的慢跑, 有的漫步,有的配合着音乐跳舞.
期刊摘选Some are perform ing swordplay.
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