蕉青甘蓝( swede的名词复数 );
The Swedes had sought his freedom through quiet diplomacy.
柯林斯例句The Swedes will not make the first move, Heike Kueck said.
互联网Swedes publicized the rule on milk cartons, on public TV, and in schools.
瑞典人还在牛奶盒上 、 公共电视节目中, 以及学校里宣传这些规定.
互联网The swedes settled in Minnesota.
互联网So the Swedes adaptedto suit local conditions.
互联网As it is the four Swedes have promised to appeal to Sweden's highest courts.
互联网After SOT After a slow start , the Swedes are starting to hit form.
瑞典队正在展现出他们的进攻性, 在同英格兰的比赛中,他们打入两球与对手打成平手.
互联网Swedes dress in sports shirts, slacks and sandals for business meetings.
瑞典经理人穿运动衫 、 休闲裤和便鞋参加会谈.
互联网The Swedes, who have charming character of their own , believe those lengends.
互联网The generality of Swedes are blond.
互联网Swedes equip themselves for the dark.
互联网The Swedes have many traditional festivals.
互联网The Swedes are very organised, but the Paraguayans are a team with a little more flair.
瑞典队非常讲究组织, 但巴拉圭队却是一支更讲究个人技术的球队.
互联网He returned to lead the Swedes to independence, and was later proclaimed King Gustav Vasa.
瓦萨返回瑞典后带领人民独立, 并因此被拥戴为古斯塔夫瓦萨国王.
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