service (flow chart) 服务(流程图);service 维修;superior vena cava 高级腔静脉;supervisor call(ing) 检察员呼叫;
Based on DSP this paper design and implement a SVC controller.
互联网The influences of SVC on Shandong power system are analyzed in transmission capacity and voltage stability.
互联网To carry out these applications it would be enough to use a Static Var Compensator ( SVC ).
要执行此功能,采用静止无功补偿 ( SVC ) 就足够了.
互联网The circuit for one SVC is shown in Figure 11 - 1 .
svc的电路如图 11—1 所示.
互联网SVCs are use in situations where data transmission is sporadic.
互联网This paper demonstrates a fuzzy sliding mode control ( FSMC ) scheme for static VAR compensator ( SVC ).
本文的主要研究内容是:将模糊滑模变结构理论应用于 静止无功补偿器 的控制之中.
互联网It is illustrated that SVC can improve the stability and dynamic performance asusefulin Yangcheng transmission system.
互联网The SVC equipment can respond to a system change in a few cycles.
互联网Since then, numerous units have been installed to solve large industrial load problems.
从此之后, 无数的svc设备被用来解决工业大负荷问题.
互联网Purchasing svc no longer to be served.
互联网Power factor must be measured if the controlled parameter of SVC is power factor.
以功率因数为被控参数的SVC, 需要测量功率因数.
互联网SVCs provide a way for automatic creation of a path for voice.
互联网A non - affine nonlinear model for a single - machine infinite - bus system with static VAR compensator ( SVC ) is established.
对于含 静止无功补偿器 的 单机 无穷大系统建立了 非 仿射非线性模型.
互联网The SVC its controller and pitch control model is set up in the power systems.
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