Method: One case was treated by supra labyrinth approach . 8 cases did by labyrinth cochlea approach.
方法: 经迷路前上径路手术治疗1例,经迷路耳蜗径路手术治疗8例.
——期刊摘选INDICATION : Metal - free crowns , veneers, inlays, onlays or metal supported crowns, bridges and implant supra - structures.
顺应症: 非金属 冠,贴面, 嵌体, 高嵌体或金属烤塑冠 、 桥、种植上部构造.
互联网Objective : To report 24 cases of petroclival tumors resected via the trans petrous combined supra - infratentorial approach.
目的: 报道24例岩尖-斜坡肿瘤经岩骨 - 小脑幕上下联合人路手术切除.
互联网Combined supra - infratentorial approach was considered to be the main approach for large tumors.
互联网Look for these to hit your local Supra dealer.
互联网A novel approach for extracting supra - segment information without large data is presented.
互联网The forming models of hydrocarbon accumulation are different - salt, salt and supra - salt in the Kuqa depression.
受盐相关构造变形影响,库车坳陷盐下 、 盐间和盐上存在三种不同的成藏模式.
互联网These supra - consciousness pictures exhibit the immediacy of pure energy presence.
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