Exercise in pregnancy can build up your strength and suppleness.
——柯林斯例句The leather may need to be oiled every two to three weeks in order to retain its suppleness.
——辞典例句This luxurious talcum lotion restores softness and suppleness to dehydrated skin.
柯林斯例句He increased the leanness and suppleness of the organization.
互联网This exercise develops suppleness as opposed to strength.
互联网Begin every lesson to start to create suppleness.
互联网His suppleness even exceeded his strength.
互联网If, on paper or silk waste stream down long, sharp edges or very straight suppleness.
如不因, 纸弛的丝流逆著不幼边, 则书边直挺,否则极难笔直.
互联网Only a straight horse is even on both reins , and with suppleness remains obedient.
只有直的马,两边的缰绳才是均等使用的, 伸屈自如并且顺从.
互联网Protects skin from dehydration, restores skin's suppleness and improves the appearance of dry skin.
保护皮肤免受脱水, 还原肌肤的柔嫩度与改善皮肤干燥.
互联网Shoushan Stone distinguishes itself by its bright color, fine grain , exquisiteness, suppleness and silkiness.
寿山石最大特徵是色泽浓艳, 质纯细,感觉腻 、 糯 、 柔.
互联网His body was perfect, alive with easy suppleness and health and strength.
他的身体十全十美, 肌肉柔软,强健有力,显得生气勃勃.
互联网The aim of leg yielding : To demonstrate the suppleness and lateral responsiveness of the horse.
偏横步的目标: 在于展现马的柔软与侧方的反应.
互联网She tried to recover her lost fitness and suppleness.
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