See Additive primary colours, Subtractive primary colours.
参阅加色法原色, 减色法原色.
——期刊摘选Dominating methods in wheat gene cloning include homology - based cloning, map - based cloning, suppression subtractive hybridization , DDRT - PCR etc.
目前,小麦基因的克隆方法主要有同源克隆 、 图位克隆 、 差减杂交 、 差异显示等.
互联网Properly combined, the subtractive primaries can absorb all colors of light, producing black.
适当组合时, 减色法三原色能吸收光线中的所有色彩, 产生黑色.
互联网The basic principle is: that the subtractive mixing all ink color color, but staying the same.
其基本原理是: 色料三原色是调配一切墨色的基础色, 万变不离其宗.
互联网Complementary to the three additive light primaries, there are three subtractive primaries.
辞典例句These systems include the additive and subtractive color wheels , are addressed as metaphorical maps of color.
这些色彩体系包括色环的加减, 都标于色彩的隐晦图.
期刊摘选Subtractive primary colours: Refer to colour of pigment.
减色法原色: 是指颜料的颜色.
互联网Aim a PCR technique for rapid screening of recombinant plasmid in subtractive library of cDNA.
互联网The result is a subtractive number.
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