Since the wavelets possess symmetry and interpolation, the sampling theorem on approximation subspace is established easily.
用该方法构造出的小波具有插值性和对称性, 因而容易建立信号采样定理.
——期刊摘选These estimators include the signal subspace methods, ESPRIT and WSF. They possess good statistical performance.
子空间类方法 、 esprit和WSF是 几种典型的高分辨方位估计方法, 它们具有良好的统计性能.
互联网It brings up a new DS - CDMA multiuser interference suppression receiver with a subspace tracking adaptive array.
提出了一种新的基于子空间跟踪的自适应阵DS -CDMA 多用户干扰抑制接收机.
互联网The isomorphic conditions of some lattices generated sets of subspace under finite pseudo - symplectic groups are discussed.
互联网An estimated algorithm of face pose based on the independence subspace analysis ( ISA ) technique is presented.
基于独立子空间分析 ( ISA ) 技术,提出了一种多视角人脸姿态估计算法.
互联网Definition 2 : Given two vector spaces, if, then V 1 is called a subspace of v 2.
易见, 任何维向量组生成的向量空间都是的子空间.
互联网One is the method based on minimum output energy ( MOE ), the other is the subspace approach.
一类是基于最小输出能量 ( MOE:minimumoutputenergy ) 准则的盲算法, 另一类是基于子空间的盲算法.
互联网PCA approach partitions the measurement space into principal component subspace ( PCS ) and residual subspace ( RS ).
主成分分析法将测量数据空间划分为主成分子空间 ( PCS ) 和残差子空间 ( RS ).
互联网By analysis the distribute of the data in subspace, the speech and non - speech can be detected.
通过分析数据在子空间上的分布情况, 来判断语音和 非语音 .
互联网We researched the subspace eigenvalue decomposition and weighted subspace fitting techniques in the beam space.
互联网High - dimensional data mining faces the challenges of distributed data sparsity and overlapping feature subspace.
互联网What could possibly exert that kind of influence on a subspace matter stream?
有什么会有可能对子空间物质流施加那样的压力 呢 ?
电影对白Based on online recursive closed - loop subspace identification, a model predictive damping controller design strategy was proposed.
提出基于在线递推 闭环 子空间辨识的模型预测阻尼控制器设计方法.
互联网Compared with general statistical feature subspace operation was needed in forming the adaptive feature subspace.
互联网A methodology, called Signal Subspace Correlation ( SSC ), is introduced.
这个方法称为[ 讯号 次空间关联法].
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