顺从( submit的第三人称单数 );听从;屈服;甘受;
Every month, the accounting department submits a report of bills outstanding.
每个月, 会计部会提出一份未付帐款报告.
互联网CEO submits guaranty fund conditions of every bidding company.
互联网Set this form's properties so It'submits user input to the appropriate page.
期刊摘选According to Xun Zi's utopia all under heaven submits to one ruler.
荀子的 “ 理想国”是天下定于一尊,万民匍匐于地.
互联网The applicant completes and submits information through the internet first.
互联网Stop paying his wages until he submits.
互联网The son submits to his father's strict control because of fear.
互联网When you win a battle your partner submits, you have, paradoxically, lost.
当你赢得了一场口角, 使你的另一半屈服了, 你其实恰恰相反, 是输家了.
互联网Catalogue sheet submits with the bid must be original and not copy.
互联网Submits information for Management Review.
互联网Because psychology is scientific, It'submits its theories to empirical testing.
因为心理学是一门科学, 它主张其理论要服从于观察或实验.
互联网He always submits himself to another authority.
互联网Resolves worker grievances or submits unsettled grievances to Production Superintendent for action.
互联网Moreover, even if an agency submits only scientific questions to a committee.
此外, 即使行政机构仅就科学问题向委员会咨询.
互联网In simple tension experiment, the stress - strain relationship submits Hook's law within the limit of proportionality.
摘要单向拉伸试验中,在比例极限内, 应力应变关系服从胡克定律.
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