It is proved that functional stylistics is effective in stylistic analysis of novels of steam - of - consciousness.
互联网Further more , the algorithm is proposed and questionnaires are applied to evaluate poetry stylistics in surveys.
互联网We shall be able to appreciate literary works better if we have some knowledge of stylistics.
互联网After 1958 when stylistics became an independent subject, stylistic research received comprehensive development and boom.
1958年,文体学作为独立学科诞生后, 文体学研究获得了全面的展开与兴盛,并逐渐分为不同的派别.
互联网Political essays are important stylistics, about which further discussions and studies should be carried out.
摘要政论文是一种重要的文体, 应该开展关于政论文文体翻译的讨论与研究.
互联网As a branch of knowledge, the linguistic stylistics is the combination of linguistics and literature.
语言风格学是一门新兴的学科, 它是语言学和文学相结合的产物.
互联网Linguistic stylistics approachesvia linguistic techniques and concepts.
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