A class or struct may have multiple constructors that take different arguments.
互联网This wizard adds a member function to a class, struct, or union.
本向导向类 、 结构或联合添加成员函数.
——期刊摘选A struct can implement interfaces, and it does that exactly as classes do.
结构可实现接口, 其方式同类完全一样.
期刊摘选You tried to initialize bit field with a non scalar ( struct, union, array, or class ).
尝试用非标量 ( 结构 、 联合 、 数组或类 ) 初始化位域.
期刊摘选Because struct s are implicitly sealed, they cannot be inherited.
由于结构是隐式密封的, 因此它们不能被继承.
互联网Any user - defined struct type that contains fields of unmanaged types only.
互联网As a third alternative, you can change your struct to a class.
第三种替代方式是, 您可以将结构更改为类.
互联网Well, now let's take a look at how we can use our struct.
好了, 现在让我们来看看怎么使用我们的结构.
互联网In C #, classes and struct s are semantically different.
在C # 中, 类与结构在语义上是不同的.
互联网Con? struct s are e up of things that can take on values, variables.
互联网Class % 1 was converted to a struct, which can't contain null values.
%1类被转换为结构, 它不能包含空值.
互联网It is an error to define a default ( parameter less ) constructor for a struct.
为结构定义默认 ( 无参数 ) 构造函数是错误的.
互联网Suggestion of changing diet struct u re of consumer was also proposed.
互联网Whenever a class or struct is created, its constructor is called.
任何时候,只要创建类或结构, 就会调用它的构造函数.
互联网Then we have the struct definition, which, by default, uses the C calling convention.
然后我们生成该结构的定义, 默认情况下, 该结构定义使用C调用约定.
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