His straightness and squareness made him the antithesis of the wriggling, tormented man he replaced.
他的正直和小心谨慎使他与他那位优柔寡断 、 犹豫不决的前任形成了鲜明的对比.
——期刊摘选Non - rotating stem has close roundness and straightness tolerances and is burnished for a superior surface finish.
互联网Straightness means that the horse must never break out of his track.
互联网Measure the straightness, parallelism and squareness.
测量直线度 、 平行度和垂直度.
期刊摘选Straightness, roundness and finish of stem and packing wall are essential.
阀杆和填料腔的平直度 、 圆度和高光洁度是最基本的特征.
互联网A method to evaluate spatial straightness errors adopting particle swarm optimization ( PSO ) is proposed.
摘要提出了一种满足最小区域法的空间直线 度误差 评价的新方法一粒子群算法.
互联网To measure the straightness, erect the workpiece on the measuring block placed on the surface plate.
测量直线度时, 将工件竖放在放置于平板上的测量块上.
互联网The formula of straightness error of the machined surface was also founded through geometrical analysis.
互联网Also straightness is an important part of submission.
互联网This paper discusses the dynamic measurement of straightness for large scale guide rails.
互联网These trees are noted for their straightness and hardness.
互联网In everyday life we use this property to define straightness.
辞典例句Due to its excellent straightness, it guarantees proper automatic threading.
该产品具有较好的直线度, 可以保证准确的自动绕线.
互联网Along with the peak current enhancement , the straightness of surfaces WEDMed in both dielectrics significantly increase.
互联网Straightness, roundness and fine finish of stem and packing chamber wall are essential.
阀杆和填料腔壁的平直度 、 圆度和表面光洁度是最基本的要求.
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