Allocates containers to stowage locations ( load and discharge ).
分配集装箱至堆货地点 ( 装卸 ).
互联网Stowage is provided in lined lockers beneath the berths.
柯林斯例句Chief mate, I need more information about parcels and stowage.
A大副, 我想了解一下货物分票情况以及货物分舱情况.
互联网That could have happened in transit due to improper stowage.
期刊摘选There are some special requirements for the stowage of the concrete mixers.
互联网Very user - friendly by one - button - operation, chassis with integrated tanks, hose and accessory stowage.
非常友好的一键操纵, 底盘集成油箱, 高压管及附件存储槽.
互联网Cargo is not enough, so we can not meet your stowage plan.
货不足, 因此无法达到您的配载要求.
互联网Chief officer, I'm foreman. I need stowage plan and the loading sequence.
大副, 我是码头调度, 我需要船舶配载图和装船顺序.
互联网I've got the loading list and the stowage plan.
互联网The second mate will make a stowage plan.
互联网Scope: Stowage of goods transport services . Stowage goods transport services.
经营范围: 货物配载联运服务.
互联网What do you mean by the term of Stowage Factor?
互联网Oh, you mean, the application for Special Stowage Order.
噢, 你是说那份特殊装运申请.
实用商务英语会话We'll start loading as soon as you affirm the stowage plan.
互联网You can make out the stowage plan according to the loading list.
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