Everybody looks agape, also forget even timekeeper press stopwatch.
大家都看得目瞪口呆, 连计时员也忘记按下秒表了.
——期刊摘选The teacher also demonstrated with a stopwatch and a buzzer.
——期刊摘选Harmonic Motion: experimental board, spring weight , loaded board, counterpoise, stopwatch.
简谐运动: 实验板, 弹簧秤, 载重板, 砝码, 码表.
互联网How much are the stopwatch and the elcctronic timing pad altogether?
互联网SDATimer is multifunctional digital countdown timer, clock and stopwatch.
sdatimer是多功能数字倒数计时器, 时钟和秒表.
互联网Just to defend why I add Stopwatch function.
互联网The teacher also demonstrated a stopwatch and a buzzer.
互联网He started timing them a stopwatch, and they got faster.
他开始用秒表为他们计时, 于是他们变快了.
互联网The method of observation resembles the stopwatch reference to a clock.
辞典例句He started timing them with a stopwatch, and they got faster.
他开始用码表计时, 于是他们变得快了一点.
期刊摘选A stopwatch is used to obtain the optimum procedure.
辞典例句Consider using a stopwatch to just record time intervals for each activity.
期刊摘选Drop the barometer and time its fall with a stopwatch.
期刊摘选Adjustment and stopwatch does not affect the accuracy of the date and time.
期刊摘选Please prepare a stopwatch to record every runner's time.
期刊摘选Drop the barometer, timing its fall with a stopwatch.
让气压计自由下落, 并用秒表记录它下落的时间.
期刊摘选You can't see any of the other stopwatch counting when you are in screensaver.
期刊摘选On the 89 C 52 single chip is adopted to achieve clock, clock, stopwatch functions to set out.
讲述单片机时是通过89C52实现时钟 、 闹钟 、 秒表等功能来阐述的.
期刊摘选A : When I saw the stopwatch time with my own eyes, it really blew my mind.
当我亲眼见到计时表显示的时间时, 我真的太惊讶了.
期刊摘选Their development of a stopwatch source code!
期刊摘选This stopwatch lets you start and stop a time, to measure any timings that you require.
这秒表,您可以启动和停止的时间, 来衡量您需要的任何时间.
期刊摘选Actually, most of other western country users find this stopwatch function very useful!
事实上, 很多西方国家的用户觉得秒表功能很实用!
期刊摘选The reason is none of the stopwatch available can put on the screensaver!
期刊摘选Very funny. If I'd a stopwatch. I could have timed the explosion.
(拿出手帕鼻涕)真可笑, 如果我有秒表,我就能调好爆炸时间.
期刊摘选StopWatch is an application that functions like a real stopwatch.
期刊摘选Stopwatch, calorie expenditure, pulse monitor.
秒表,卡路里消耗, 心率监测功能.
期刊摘选Try this for stopwatch counter timer.
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