They can stop and go easily and they can talk while biking.
互联网I hate stop - and - go driving.
互联网Stop and go on the busy street.
互联网Although I love playing around , I will know when to stop and go too far.
虽然我很爱玩, 但是我会有分寸和原则的.
互联网This way, you can roll through the stop - and - go pattern by just going slow.
这样, 慢慢驾驶你就可以在停停走走中前进.
互联网If you've already said something, now's the time to stop and go no further.
如果你已经说了什么的话, 则应该立即住口----除非你是他的父母.
互联网A more freely floating currency would ease this stop - and - go cycle.
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