stack 堆;stock 股票;sticky 粘性的;strake 列钣;
Conclusion The STK 15 Phe 31 Ile ( 91 TA ) polymorphisms seemed irrelevant with the risk of ESCC in She county.
结论STK15基因Phe31Ile ( 91TA ) SNP可能 与河北涉县人群ESCC的患病风险无关.
互联网In the YIQIJIEDU granule group, some genes in array were lowly expressed , such as STK 1, CDK , MAPK, et al.
HumanCancercDNAArray分析发现,益气解毒颗粒组有STK1 、 MAPK1 、 CDK1等19个与细胞增殖、细胞周期 、 核转录因子、DNA修复 相关基因表达下调.
期刊摘选Several MADS - box genes related to the development of the ovule such as FBP 7 ? FBP 1 1 ? STK?
已在矮牵牛和拟南芥中分离出与胚珠的发育密切相关的几个 MADS -box基因FBP7、 FBP11 、STK、 SHP 及SEP基因.
互联网CHI is integrated with STK and SMS channel to realize the downloading of OTA services.
OTA业务下载需要将它、STK功能 以及短消息通道相结合来实现.
互联网The result of identification showed that STK - 1 - 1 belonged to Kluyveromyces marxianus of Kluyveromyces.
互联网Conclusion STK 15 protein overexpression may be a novel marker for diagnosing tumor differentiation of colorectal cancer.
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