钟乳石( stalactite的名词复数 );
He ascended into grottos paved withwith panels of rubies , and the roof glowing with diamond stalactites.
他梦见自己走进了岩洞,只见绿玉铺地,红玉筑墙, 洞顶闪闪发光,挂满了金刚钻凝成的钟乳石.
互联网The many different kinds of stalactites , stalagmites, and columns found here are both beautiful and amazing.
有奇形怪状的钟乳石笋和石柱,洞下更有无底洞 、 水池等景观,可以说是别有洞天.
互联网Calcium carbonate in the form stalactites or stalagmites.
互联网Stalactites and stalagmites in the caves present colorful pictures.
互联网In the caves you will see splendid stalactites, stalagmites, stone curtains and flowers.
在那些洞里,您会看到壮观的钟乳石 、 石笋 、 石帘和石花.
互联网Thanks to Van Zyl, today the public can enjoy the sight of magnificent stalactites and stalagmites.
由于他的发现, 我们今天才欣赏到了美丽的钟乳石和石笋.
互联网Clouds inside the cave, stalactites, mostly lotus - like , named.
洞内密布钟乳石, 多呈莲花 状, 故名.
互联网Stand like a wall inside the cave, stalactites , rock mix.
洞内钟乳石壁立, 怪石千姿百态.
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