
  • 释义
  • 分段运输;工作台;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    For Nato to be staging manoeuvres, albeit modest ones, in Georgia sends several messages at once.

    北约准备在格鲁吉亚举行的军事演习尽管性质温和, 但立即发出若干信息.

  • 2、

    To further analysis of staging, adnexa metastasis, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy were related with the prognosis significantly.

    多因素分析提示手术有无残余癌 、 肿瘤分期和放疗对患者预后有影响,将肿瘤分期细化后, 则附件受累 、 是否化疗和放疗对患者预后有影响.

  • 3、

    Five other cities had been competing for the honour of staging the Games.


  • 4、

    Peter Mumford's lighting and David Freeman's direction make a crucial contribution to the success of the staging.


  • 5、

    Members of an environmental group are staging a protest inside a chemical plant.


  • 6、

    The union leader was last night staging a protest vigil 400 yards down a mineshaft.


  • 7、

    Privatisation is a necessary staging post to an open market.


  • 8、

    For each primary site , TNM staging was imputed, and staging distributions were compared between races.

    对每一个基本点,都进行TNM分期归纳, 并且将分期在不同人种中的分布情况进行比较.

  • 9、

    But rather than being a staging post for recovery, the conference collapsed.

    但尚未成为经济复苏的预备站, 会议就破裂了.

  • 10、

    During the past night alone the Marines holding the staging area sustained 2 killed and 5 wounded.


  • 11、

    In MSS , to move data from a staging drive to a mass storage volume.

    在海量存储系统(MSS) 中, 把数据从登台驱动器传送到海量存储卷体.

  • 12、

    In MSS, to free space on a staging drive; this may cause data to be destaged.

    在海量存储系统(mss)中, 释放登台驱动器上的空间, 这可能引起数据降级(数据从高速设备取出,存入低速后备存储器).

  • 13、

    They are staging an exhibition at the theatre now.


  • 14、

    Objective : To evaluate spiral CT ( SCT ) in the preoperative staging of rectal carcinomas.

    目的: 评价螺旋CT ( SCT ) 在直肠癌术前分期中的价值.

  • 15、

    One boost will come from staging the Olympic games in 2012.


  • 16、

    Staging of Hodgkin's disease is important to try and determine therapy and the prognosis.


  • 17、

    Reversing this unlucky campaign will be no easier than staging a tidy withdrawal from Iraq.


  • 18、

    Postoperative Nevin staging showed six cases at stage, five at stage and three at stage.

    术后Nevin分期:期6例, 期5例,期3例.

  • 19、

    Objective : To evaluate CT in diagnosis and preoperative staging of the supraglottic carcinoma.

    目的: 探讨CT对声门上癌的诊断价值及其在术前分期中的作用.

  • 20、

    The production combined the very best of Western and Chinese talents in music, staging and directing.

    这次演出结合了中西方最优秀的音乐 、 艺及导演人才.

  • 21、

    Objective To evaluate the value of DSA in the diagnosis of staging moyamoya disease ( MMD ).

    目的 评价数字减影血管造影 ( DSA ) 对Moyamoya病分期诊断的价值.

  • 22、

    Its staging there has thus been hailed with intercontinental gongs and whistles.


  • 23、

    They opposed the government by staging a general strike.


  • 24、

    Staging is based upon the degree of invasion into and through the wall.


  • 25、

    Performing and reporting ultrasound, CT , MR , AND , where possible, radionuclide examinations for staging and monitoring tumours.

    可能的话, 完成并提交用于显示和监控肿瘤的超声, CT, MRAND及放射核素的检查.

  • 26、

    The author reviewed the pathogenesis, pathology feature, clinical staging, method of diagnosis and treatment.

    本文对放射性脑损伤的作用机制 、 病理特点 、 临床分期 、 诊断与治疗等作一综述.

  • 27、

    The relationship between HbsAg, CEA, Dukes staging and liver metastases of colorectal cancer was investigated.

    探讨乙肝表面抗原(HbsAg) 、 癌胚抗原(CEA) 、 Dukes分期与结直肠癌肝转移的关系.

  • 28、

    However, the Nou Camp was to be the last staging post for the partnership.

    然而, 诺坎普成了他们合作的最后舞台.

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