<医>斜视( squint的现在分词 );眯着眼睛;瞟;从小孔或缝隙里看;
Eve, squinting at the clock, saw it was just on 7 a.m.
柯林斯例句Kabaraijian nodded, squinting . The sun was just clearing the tree tops and framing Cochran's head.
卡巴拉健撇了他一眼, 点点头. 此时,阳光已经照到了树顶,烤灼着他的头顶.
互联网Arthur looked up and squinting into the sun was startled to see Prefect standing above him.
期刊摘选Smiling, frowning, squinting and other habitual facial expressions cause these wrinkles to become more prominent.
微笑, 皱眉, 斜眼看和其他日常表情造成这些皱痕变得更加突出.
互联网She was squinting against the glare of the sun.
互联网And most days they d emerge the dark mine, squinting at the light.
大多时候,他们从黑暗的矿里探出头, 眯眼盯着光亮.
互联网She came out on the steps, squinting a little at the bright sunlight.
她来到外面的台阶上, 强烈的阳光照得她有些睁不开眼睛.
互联网Sitting uneasily at one side, he watched as Yan Lin's father read the paper, squinting.
他忐忑不安地坐在一旁, 瞧着颜老头眯着眼睛读文章.
互联网Many people find it best to keep both eyes open, since squinting strains the working eye.
许多人发现保持两只眼睛都睁着比较好, 因为闭起一只眼睛会使另一只工作的眼睛疲劳.
互联网Then, squinting his eyes, he said: " The night is dim . Read the letter to me. "
然后他眯着眼说道: “ 光线幽暗, 读给我听吧. ”
互联网" More company, " he said, squinting in the sun.
" 那边来人了, " 他在阳光中眨巴着眼睛说.
飘(部分)Squinting her eyes, she smiled at the man in the photo, still seeing the teenage boy in him.
她眯起眼睛看着照片, 冲着照片里的那个男人笑了;在她眼里他还是那个十几岁的孩子.
互联网Then, squinting his eyes, he said:'The light is dim. Read the letter to me.'
然后眯着眼睛说到: “ 光线太暗了. 请给我读下这封信. ”
互联网He took careful aim, squinting rifle barrel.
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