短距离疾跑( sprint的现在分词 );
But he already sprinting down the hall pounding of his footfalls echoing behind him.
互联网The awkward truth is that although the economy is sprinting ahead, most people are only crawling.
但令人尴尬的事实摆在面前,虽然经济在快速冲刺, 但大多数人民依然没得到什么改善.
互联网Tyson Gay a blur in blue, sprinting 100 meters faster than anyone ever has.
互联网It is a particular favourite of athletes in powerbased sports such as sprinting.
互联网Stride length and frequency are the most important elements of sprinting.
互联网He sprinting top speed.
互联网Xiaoming won the gold medal for sprinting in the school sports meeting.
互联网He's sprinting at his top speed.
互联网Today, China is sprinting into the modern in skyscrapers and filled with cars.
互联网Sprinting to the pickup, she slammed the door behind her and banged down the door locks.
她拔腿冲向小货车, 猛地一声关上门,啪地一声按下门闩.
互联网Ling : Sprinting finals, of course. The lightening speed of the athletes always excites me.
那当然是短跑比赛了. 运动员风驰电掣般的速度总令我激动不已.
互联网They are happiest when they are bullying the weak , when they are sprinting, chasing and hunting.
在高速追击围捕时笑, 属于绝对的恃强凌弱.
互联网As he began sprinting down the runway, something felt wonderfully different, yet familiar.
他沿着跑道起跑冲刺, 那感觉奇特无比,妙不可言, 而又似曾相识.
互联网It is great exercise for the body because it includes sprinting, jumping and coordination.
篮球是很好的锻炼运动,因为玩篮球会包括跑步, 弹跳和协调.
互联网Sprinting distance events are exciting because they require both high speed and endurance.
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