A sprayer hooked to a tractor can spray five gallons onto ten acres.
柯林斯例句Lacquer sheathing sprayer can spray evenly lacpuer on the road . to improve adhesive power.
该机的作用是降低其均匀喷涂到地面, 增强涂料与地面间的附着力.
互联网Foliage and other aboveground parts of plants by means of a sprayer.
互联网Sprayer or dust catcher can be equipped on it, which will clear the dust while working.
可配有喷雾抑尘或布袋式除尘器, 能有效的清除工作中产生的粉尘.
——期刊摘选Objective To study the germicidal effect of electrolyzed oxidizing water ( EOW ) on the disinfection of sprayer.
目的探讨氧化电位水在 喉头 喷雾器喷头消毒中对普通细菌的消毒效果.
互联网In a fire without a sprayer, the method can be used fumigation.
在有火源而无喷雾器时, 可采用熏蒸消毒法.
互联网Use the high pressure sprayer , do not spray on electrical equipments. Spray to roof and wall.
喷雾可用高压喷枪,注意喷雾要均匀,房顶和墙壁都要喷到, 不要喷至配电盒等电器设备.
期刊摘选This paper introduces a new type of sprayer used for disinfection of indoor air in hospitals.
期刊摘选Products wanted: PVC spray hoses, agricultural sprayers, sprayer nozzles and sprinklers.
需要货品: PVC喷射软管 、 农业用喷射器 、 喷射管嘴及洒水器.
互联网The electric sprayer unIt'shall be protected against leakage earthcurrent liable to cause electrical hazard.
期刊摘选He takes his sprayer in his hand, appreciating their beauty and smelling their fragrance.
他手里拿着喷壶, 津津有味地欣赏着花的美丽,闻着花的芳香.
期刊摘选a paint/crop sprayer
牛津词典Describe the principle of jet nozzle in sprayer.
期刊摘选The machine consists of a sprayer beam and a unit for pumping the liquid solution.
期刊摘选He's a paint sprayer in the local factory.
辞典例句Release line pressure and off the power before doing maintenance with the sprayer or changing accessories.
期刊摘选Yuyao City to a daily spray is a professional production plant sprayer manufacturers.
期刊摘选A new damp concrete sprayer developed at home is described in detail.
期刊摘选The motor driven sprayer has simple structure, convenient operation and low production cost.
该机动式喷雾机结构简单 、 操作方便、生产成本低,适合我国国情,可以大规模推广.
期刊摘选Illustrator's built in Symbol Sprayer can be a highly useful tool for quickly creating awesome graphics.
期刊摘选Methods Residual spraying with ULV sprayer.
方法 用超低容量喷雾器进行雾化滞留喷洒.
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