系列; 范围; 谱; 光谱;
Also, much work had been done to investigate the absorption spectrums of rare earth borosilicate glasses.
与此同时, 研究了稀土硼硅酸盐玻璃的吸收光谱.
互联网The target displacement of each mode in pushover analysis can be obtained with inelastic spectrums.
互联网It got sander's whole amplitude - frequency spectrums through PSD analysis. "
互联网The gamma ray spectrums provide the PIPA equipment with baseline data for analysis.
互联网Secondly, Raman spectrums of rat and bovine serum are researched.
其次, 研究了小鼠和小牛血清的拉曼光谱.
互联网Results: There are differences in characters of seed surface and UV spectrums.
结果两种黄 芪 种子种皮纹饰有差异,紫外吸收峰的数目和位置有所不同.
互联网RESULTS: The FTIR spectrums of the different extracted parts of chrysanthemum had their obvious IR characters.
结果: 不同提取部位(挥发油部位、乙酸乙酯部位、水部位)药用菊花红外谱图的特征明显.
互联网Finally, surface - enhanced Raman spectrums of serum from normal persons and cancer patients are researched.
最后, 研究了正常人体血清和各种不同癌症患者血清的拉曼光谱.
互联网Result HPLC and NMR absorption spectrums are good exclusive and reappear.
互联网The telescope observes for 1.5 hour time, and can get 4000 astronomical spectrums maximally.
望远镜每次夜间观测1.5小时, 最多可获得4000条天体光谱.
互联网Within these two spectrums is a gray area in which more discussion is needed.
互联网Monitor and record soil moisture quickly and accurately with TDR technology and Spectrums data logging equipment!
互联网Results: There were obvious differences among the electrophoresis spectrums of the four types of seeds.
结果: 4种种子的蛋白质电泳图谱具有明显差异.
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