Yarn Material used: Stretch nylon filament, acrylic, wool, cotton yarn and spandex.
适用于原料: 单力锦纶长丝, 晴纶及羊毛 、 棉纱、氨纶.
——期刊摘选With the Air Gripper System ( AGS ), spandex yarns in the weft also are woven faultlessly.
通过空气夹纱系统 ( AGS ), 纬纱上的弹力纱可以准确无误的织出来.
互联网The wearing comfort is seriously affected by property and construction of spandex knitting underwear.
互联网Spandex and silk viscose fiber and textile raw materials in the fine performance of irreplaceable.
互联网Spandex inner wrist cuff with thumb hole , protecting hands from cold.
手腕袖口内带有弹性的拇指出口, 帮助手部抗寒.
互联网At last predicts the development trends of spandex.
互联网Some key factors that influence the production of melt spinning Spandex are analyzed.
互联网The main products are spandex fabric , polyester stretch fabrics, functional fabrics and so on.
主要产品是四面弹, 涤纶弹力面料, 功能性面料等.
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