Part of abaxial face of pinna , showing small scale and sori ( fallen indusia ) .
羽片远轴面的一部分,表示囊群盖已脱落的 孢子囊 群及小鳞片.
互联网Sori hemispheroid , in 2 - 3 series on each side along the costales, without indusium.
孢子囊群圆形,沿中脉两侧各排成2-3行, 无囊群盖.
互联网Sori borne near the costule, indusium spherical, membranous.
孢子囊群靠近中脉著生;囊群盖球形, 膜质.
互联网Sori borne along the longitudinal veins and the reflexed edges of the ultimate segments of pinnules.
互联网How do ferns reproduce? Locate and describe three kinds of sori from three kinds of ferns.
说明 羊齿植物 的繁殖方法,从三种羊齿植物中找出其胞子囊群并描述其特徵及功能.
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