把…装入托座(或插座),给…装上托座(或插座)( socket的过去分词 );[高尔夫球]用棒头承口部位击(球);
The rock - socketed cast - in - place piles are one of the common foundation treatment Methods : Under highrise buildings.
互联网This will provide the theroy basis for optimizing design of the pile socketed in soft rock.
互联网Rock - socketed pile is a special pile that is extensively applied in mountainous areas.
互联网With the depth of socketed increasing, load proportion of pile tip can decrease gradually.
互联网In this thesis, differences between the rock - socketed pile and non - rock - socketed pile are discussed firstly.
本文讨论了嵌岩桩与 非 嵌岩桩的区别,分析了嵌岩桩承载性状的基本特点.
互联网Rock socketed pile is a familiar type in foundation engineering practice.
互联网Do you think Socketed Items will have an impact?
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