speed of advance 前进速度;state of the art 技术发展水平;stimulus-onset asynchrony 刺激进攻异步性;
InformationWeek China and Accenture will jointly release China SOA Survey Whitepaper at early November.
互联网In this paper, We introduce how to build BSS service system with Service - oriented Architecture ( SOA ).
在本文中也结合了面向服务的体系结构 ( Service-oriented Architecture,SOA ) 来构建电信BSS系统.
互联网Standardization of services in SOA is also a key step in improving corporate inter - department service collaborations.
互联网Quality in the SOA context becomes an ongoing, full lifecycle battle.
SOA前后 联系质量成为正在探索的 、 整个生命周期的攻坚战.
互联网To summarize, messages are an important and a critical part of SOA.
总之, 消息是非常重要的,而且是SOA的主要部分.
互联网Favorites with CIOs'will be resource optimization strategies through SOA, virtualization, and consolidation.
最受首席信息官青睐的方式是通过SOA 、 虚拟化和整合来实现资源优化战略.
互联网Dynamic routing service model is an actual application of service virtualization strategy in the SOA framework.
互联网Also we give an extension for component in SOA environment and the solution which brought environment.
互联网Knowledge of SOA Architecture and testing techniques.
互联网All of these issues are relevant to SOA.
互联网Proprietary solutions in a standards - based SOA are unacceptable.
互联网Service - Oriented Architecture ( SOA ) is a new generation of architecture ideology.
面向服务的体系架构 ( SOA ) 是新一代的软件系统架构思想.
互联网Messaging carries enormous importance in SOA.
互联网Such an ESB - oriented architecture loses the benefits of SOA.
互联网Acting PM Manager , in charge of Process Management , Compliance, Risk Management, ICR, SOA, etc.
代理PM经理 、 公司合规官 、 风险控制员及SOA经理.
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